Saturday, November 20, 2010

তুমি থাকো / বরষার বিষন্ন পংতিমালা

কষ্ট হয়েও যদি
থেকে যেতে হয় তোমাকে -
আমি চাই, তুমি থাকো ।
ঝলমলে রোদের দুপুরে
যখন আলো এসে ধুয়ে গেছে চারিদিক,
তখন হঠাৎ তোমার অবিশ্রান্ত স্মৃতি
যদি অবিরাম বৃষ্টির মতো -
ভীড় করে চেতনায় আমার,
যদি সন্ধ্যার অন্ধকার তখন
বিস্তীণ আচলে ঢেকে দেয় রোদেলা আকাশ -
ঋতি কী -
সব স্মৃতিই যে সুখের হতে হবে
এমন তো কোনো কথা নেই -
নদীর সব জলই যে
ছুয়ে যাবে সাগরের নোনা জল,
খরস্রোতের শীৎকারে
বিলীন হবে বার বার -
এমন তো কোনো কথা নেই,
সব বিশাল পথের পাখিরাই
যে আকাশ ভেঙ্গে নীঢ় খুজে পাবে,
মরুভুমীর কঠিন বালুচরে
রেখে যাবে না ত্ণভুমির সপ্ন,
এমন তো কোনো কথা নেই।
কষ্ট হয়েও যদি
থেকে যেতে হয় তোমাকে -
আমি সত্যিই চাই,
তুমি থাকো ।।
* written in Mussoorie,Himachal Pradesh,India ;
* photo courtesy of : Rubna Rashid .

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Journey Begins .........

Since I was a child,somehow I found it easier to communicate on paper. It is hard to believe,but I was a shy kid growing up - Once at my cousin Mou's birthday I remember,we were playing outside in the backyard and my Aunt (Hena Mami) called everyone to have a Cake. Everyone ran, but I stood there thinking 'should I go ?' .The result was, I never got to taste the Cake that day. I was eleven years old and I decided I will miss out on a lot of things in life if I don't come out my shell ! And that included the attention of the ladies ! Well, I was right.
I find it fascinating how someone's writing can resonate so closely in someone else's heart. And I feel, being able to express yourself is one of the greatest form of Art - and some people are gifted that way. My idol and my hero is Pablo Neruda.I grew up reading Lorca and Neruda and always had a heart for Spanish Literature ! Neruda has a blend of romanticism and social consciousness that trancends time - and I absolutely could not escape the influence and gravitation he creates in his poetry!
Why the name? Borshar Bishonno Ponctimala in English means : " The Sad Verses of the Monsoon" is a collection of 31 poems written during a difficult period of my life. Most of the poems were written in Mussoorie ,a hill station in Northern India that I absolutely cherished and was written during my four visits there in two years. I have lost most of my poems written during my college and Medical school years, and was mostly digging deep in my memory to quote them when commenting on friend's Facebook pictures. I guess some of my shyness still remains - but finally I gave in to my wife Rubna's (I call her my alluring one) persistence and my lively friend Tina's persuations and decided to compile the poems on a blog. Hope the poems somehow will resonate to certain emotions that you have felt somewhere in time .

And here it is ...